Saturday, December 31, 2005


今日終於有一丁點精神走到戲院看MERRY CHRISTMAS了,感冒藥簡直是一種致命的藥,吃了,病會快些好,但在病未好之前,感冒藥巳令我死了一半。今天H16給一對情侶買了,我只好坐在G16。我帶著半夢半醒的身軀走進戲院,沒有睡著,因這是一部好電影。朋友們,你們看過沒有,可以一同分享一下。遲來了的聖誕快樂!

Thursday, December 29, 2005



A lovely gift

Thanks bud! This funny little thing was given from my dear friend Carly!!! haha, it's a bud, and we were bud! DEAR, please try think things in another way round, always put your true heart to do it, then life can be happier. Trust me!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Treasure the Art in Life

Last night, I've been to my favourite cafe in YMT(this is my favourite cafe since My Coffe was closed). I originally want to order a Christmas dinner but Mr Waiter said they don't have one..... so I ordered my favourite chicken wings for myself and Carly. This is the coolest dish in the world! Yummy :P The highlight of the night was ..... a christmas tree..... on the dish... let's share!! my dear friends. Dear bel and soon & eva, I hope to share the happiness of eating those chicken wings with you next time :)A belated Merry Christmas to you all!Let's try to treasure the little things in our life!


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Friday, December 16, 2005

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Sunset, Sun sad, Sun said.....

Sunset is short, yet it's full of meaning.....enjoy it!

Time pass so fast, two year passed...

Met so many people today in the exhibition opening, met my dear friend kongkee and took some cool pics together. Met some old friends whom I missed and some Artists.........hey,. I got to work hard!



Sunday, December 11, 2005

Time to Leave....

昨日我獨個兒看了一套令人心痛的電影︰Time To Leave。其實巳有一段時間逃避去看一些叫自己傷心的電影,因日子裡實在有太多事情叫人傷痛的事情了,為何仍要折磨自己呢?因為好朋友推介,結果也看了。這是一套很簡單但叫人深思的電影。如果我31便要離開這世界,我最放不下誰?約只能對一個人說出我的死訊,我會選擇誰呢?每一天我也會拍一張照片,可能我還有許多東西是放不下的。

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Purple Christmas

Why people always said Christmas need to be "White Christmas"? Why not "Purple"? I love purple so much the I was so happy last day that I saw The Ocean Terminal was full of "Purple Christmas Trees". It was so pretty that I can's stop myself for taking photos of those lovely trees! Good that HK people finally got good taste to make Christmas a more special fucntion :).. haha!
My dear friends....... wishing you a purple Christmas and try coloring your Christmas into your favourite colours :)

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Nice Sunrise

Sometimes, sunrise can also be nice if you try to appreciate it. From time to time, I only enjoy the beauty of sunset....