終於找到“Before Sunrise"的DVD。早前看了"Before Sunset",非常喜歡電影裡面男女主角的關係,感覺很舒服,決定要找回前一集“Before Sunrise"的DVD,終於在Hong Kong Records找到了,即買。決定和好朋友小孫一同分享。真的不明白,好好的一段關係,為什麼要趕著走,趕什麼火車呢?白白地浪費了九年。如果再能找到真心相愛的人,不要再讓他溜走了。
NEWS: 2012 CCAA Best Artist: Pak Sheung Chuen
12 years ago
both are great movies.
love the conversations between them!
but the latter one sounds too fantasy.. :P
there's another animation by the same director, called "walking alive".
yes,, I got that DVD,, but still don't have time to watch, heehe, thanks Bel!
I want to see both ah !
體會 and 睇會 together !
both are good! I watched both of them within one day, it's kind of interesting as they are actually 9 years apart, you can see the big different of the actress...love the movies..love the conversations between them..
HK, I highly recommend you to watch them both, I will give you next time when you are free to see me! :)
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