Monday, November 07, 2005

Found and lost

Tonight, I was looking for some old CD cover for some teaching stuff,,,,,,,,, I found I lost one CD, I just want to take it out and listen to it..... but it was lost. It was not the first time I lost my CD at my own home, it was such a depressing thing happened in life..... it was a very important CD ,,,,,,, I love it so much,, I guess I won't be able to find another one. It was given from a lost friend,,,,,,,,, the cd was purple........ and my heart is purple right now..... hey cd,, where are you ? I have been losing things day by day,, why you still leaving me? when the time I really want to find you , why you leave me alone? come back? hope it's just a short separation, and you will come back to me again.........


Siu Ching said...

Siu TOng, believe it or not, forget it! pretent not to find it! shout aloudy at home that u wont try to find it! Then when it feels that u dun need it comes back!

ahtong said...

ha? really?
I need to try that tonight!
thanks my dear siu ching :)